About Us

Who We Are

We are an independent, nationwide network of Episcopal laity and clergy, dioceses and parishes, schools, agencies, and other institutions - all with a common commitment to address the effects of addiction, in all its forms, in relation to the church's mission.

Recovery Ministries serves as a voice of conscience to Episcopalians throughout the world, building awareness of pastoral and spiritual ministry to those addicted. The original concept for Recovery Ministries’ mission dates from the landmark 1979 General Convention resolution on alcohol. The resolutions from the 2015 General Convention, and Resolutions D057, D058, D0 59 from the 2018 General Convention underscore the need to strengthen our resolve.

Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church's mission is to serve all those affected by addiction who have lost their health and freedom. Our ministry seeks to:

  • Help the addicted and those who love them connect with spiritual resources and find lasting recovery.
  • Witness to Christ’s unfailing mercy by welcoming unchurched members of Twelve-Step and other recovery programs into an Episcopal faith community.
  • Raise the awareness of clergy and other leaders about the disease of addiction and the redemption and grace found in recovery.
  • Strengthen recovering Episcopalians in the work of their recovery and help proclaim the Gospel in the world and carry their recovery into the Church.

The Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church goal is to renew and revitalize the Church’s capability to recognize and address the serious social ills surrounding the pathological use of alcohol, drugs and other addictive behaviors (gambling, overeating, sex, etc.) and suggest an appropriate Christian response.